First vegetables and the arrival of the dryer!


Courgettes, tomatoes, cucumbers and other lettuces are showing their face in the organic vegetable garden for FBKT staff, while aromatic plants are becoming acclimatised and the tea bushes are showing their first buds: the season looks promising at the FBKT plantation… especially as the dryer arrives this week!

Composite salads on our plates soon!

The organic vegetable garden has been launched to provide the company’s staff with baskets of seasonal vegetables. This is not a shared garden project (where everyone could have the usufruct of a small plot of land, for example) but a vegetable garden managed entirely by our plantation manager and her partner, with the crops intended to feed the company’s employees and their families.

The harvests promise to be fruitful, despite the capricious weather. e will all be able to harvest (and above all taste) the fruits, or rather vegetables, of this experiment…

potager bio fbkt 2021 1

Camelia sinensis thrives in the Loire

The aromatic plants are also beginning to make themselves at home. Verbena, mint, thyme… are doing rather well in the acclimatisation plot.

aromates bio fbkt 2021 1

As for the tea bushes, they have sprouted their first buds, proof that they are acclimatising well to our terroir. To help them get through the hot weather (if it ever comes!), Alain has planted grass between the rows. Widely used, for example, in wine-growing, grassing consists of planting a carpet of vegetation between the rows of vines to keep the soil cool and moist.

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Arrival and installation of the dryer

On land, people and technology are pretty well in sync, as the dryer has just arrived.

livraison secheur 2021

(and when we say ‘just arrived’… he was still in the lorry!)

So we’ll have the whole month of July to install it so that it’s ready for the first harvests in August.

The FBKT LA PLANTATION project is co-financed by the EUROPEAN UNION as part of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and by the MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD as part of the FRANCE RELANCE plan:

feader france relance
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