Planting is getting ready for the arrival of the plants!


Get everything ready in May! The wheelbarrows and rakes are out: it’s the big clean-up for the FBKT Plantation! The conservatory plot, the acclimatisation garden and the staff vegetable garden are being prepared for planting over the next few days.

The last few weeks have been marked by the preparation of the plots. Long, tedious hours have been spent clearing, cleaning, shredding, ploughing and enriching the soil with manure…

The second stage, scheduled for this week, will be the installation of drip irrigation to control watering, which is important in our region where summers are hot and dry, and to save water.

Finally, the weekend should be taken up with the installation of tarpaulins to protect the plantations.

The aim is to have everything ready for the arrival of the 1,700 vegetable, herb and tea plants in mid-May.

The plants will then be planted, with the first harvests expected before the summer. To The whole Fabrikathé team should be donning their boots for a few days, as a relay, to lend a hand and install the plants in the ground: yes, tomato salads have to be earned!

plantation fbkt potager

The planting plans are ready and provide for the use of 2 plots this year:

  • The staff’s organic vegetable garden
  • The acclimatisation garden for the aromatic and medicinal plants that will be used as tests for our drying operations planned for the end of August.

The project is led by Lorie, our plantation manager, who specialises in vegetable gardening as well as PPAM, and Alain, our partner, who specialises in arboriculture.

The FBKT LA PLANTATION project is co-financed by the EUROPEAN UNION as part of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and by the MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD as part of the FRANCE RELANCE plan:

feader france relance
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